Discover the latest news about online payments and digital platforms.

How to create smart and compliant payment flows as a franchise organization

The beauty of a franchise organization is that both parties reinforce each other. The entrepreneur...

The beauty of a franchise organization is that both parties reinforce...

The beauty of a franchise organization is that both parties reinforce each other. The entrepreneur...

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Crowdpartners chooses OPP for payment automation and compliance with crowdfunding regulation

Collaboration enables automated processing and intraday payments Crowdpartners improves their ability to respond to increasing...

Collaboration enables automated processing and intraday payments Crowdpartners improves their ability to respond to increasing KYC and AML requirements Easier expansion of...

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We are crossing the pond!

It is perhaps no surprise that we have international ambitions, given the opening of our offices in Antwerp and Berlin and...

It is perhaps no surprise that we have international ambitions, given the opening of our offices in Antwerp and Berlin and Worldline's investment. For our next step, our sights...

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Studytube chooses specialist Online Payment Platform for processing payments 8,000 educators and 500,000 employees

Multi-split payments ensure easy handling of payment flows Ease and transparency for customers thanks to one invoice for all...

Multi-split payments ensure easy handling of payment flows Ease and transparency for customers thanks to one invoice for all training courses Focus on marketplaces and platforms...

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Tellow optimizes customer journey with payment solution OPP

Integration of payment link invoices helps speed up payments Pragmatic approach to complex KYC process Personal approach ensures...

Integration of payment link invoices helps speed up payments Pragmatic approach to complex KYC process Personal approach ensures smooth cooperation...

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New DAC7 regulation for platforms in Europe

The new European DAC7 legislation requires platforms to report to local tax authorities about their users. Despite not applying...

The new European DAC7 legislation requires platforms to report to local tax authorities about their users. Despite not applying the principle of data minimization for this new...

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Selling something through Vinted? There goes your privacy

A new directive requires digital platforms such as Airbnb and Vinted to start storing citizen service numbers (BSN) on a large...

A new directive requires digital platforms such as Airbnb and Vinted to start storing citizen service numbers (BSN) on a large scale. A very undesirable situation, in my opinion....

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Empowerment of local people and businesses through online platforms will help shape a society ready to face the current and upcoming global shockwaves

What trends and developments will define marketplaces and platforms in 2023? According to Richard Straver, founder of OPP,...

What trends and developments will define marketplaces and platforms in 2023? According to Richard Straver, founder of OPP, uncertainty remains, but it is also the start of new...

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Franchise organization Haco makes payment flows efficient and secure thanks to Online Payment Platform

Payments from webshop arrive automatically at correct branch Haco complies with PSD2 directive with Online Payment Platform...

Payments from webshop arrive automatically at correct branch Haco complies with PSD2 directive with Online Payment Platform payment solution Payment terminals used for furniture...

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