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Discover the latest news about online payments and digital platforms.

Online Payment Platform expands its offering and obtains EMI license in the UK

This EMI license enables OPP to continue its growth journey to becoming Europe's leading PSP for...

This EMI license enables OPP to continue its growth journey to...

This EMI license enables OPP to continue its growth journey to becoming Europe's leading PSP for...

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Worldline and OPP unveil groundbreaking Embedded Payments solution for platforms and marketplaces in Europe

Worldline [Euronext: WLN], a global leader in payment services, and OPP (Online Payment Platform), a leading specialised payment...

Worldline [Euronext: WLN], a global leader in payment services, and OPP (Online Payment Platform), a leading specialised payment provider for platforms and marketplaces, today...

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2024: the year of the charging station as a platform and platformication of retail

Never a dull moment in the world of marketplaces and platforms! Find out how this world is developing in 2024 and which trends...

Never a dull moment in the world of marketplaces and platforms! Find out how this world is developing in 2024 and which trends are set to lead the way. Our founder, Richard...

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Next step in front-end evolution: new Merchant interface

As previously highlighted, we are in the process of enhancing the entire OPP front-end infrastructure to deliver what we believe...

As previously highlighted, we are in the process of enhancing the entire OPP front-end infrastructure to deliver what we believe are best-in-class user experiences for our...

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AFIR: How to set up a scalable and compliant payment infrastructure for charging networks

With already more than 550,000 stations across Europe, the number of electric charging stations is growing rapidly. As almost...

With already more than 550,000 stations across Europe, the number of electric charging stations is growing rapidly. As almost half of all stations are in the Benelux countries and...

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Accelerating Dutch Fintech

On behalf of Online Payment platform, I am happy to share this letter with you. Dutch fintechs play a crucial role in the...

On behalf of Online Payment platform, I am happy to share this letter with you. Dutch fintechs play a crucial role in the transition to a sustainable and prosperous society. We...

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The rise of online platforms is unstoppable. Here are its most important challenges

Sprout published an article about the most important challenges of platforms. During the interview, Richard Straver (founder of...

Sprout published an article about the most important challenges of platforms. During the interview, Richard Straver (founder of Online Payment Platform) gives his opinion about...

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