The internationally renowned online platform '', has grown substantially over the past...
The internationally renowned online platform '', has...
The internationally renowned online platform '', has grown substantially over the past...
Every two months, CEO of Online Payment Platform and president of the Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland (VBIN) Maurice...
Every two months, CEO of Online Payment Platform and president of the Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland (VBIN) Maurice Jongmans, is writing an article for Emerce. As a...
Partnership combines secure online payments and identity verification to boost the growing sharing economy....
Partnership combines secure online payments and identity verification to boost the growing sharing economy....
Sprout published an article about the most important challenges of platforms. During the interview, Richard Straver (founder of...
Sprout published an article about the most important challenges of platforms. During the interview, Richard Straver (founder of Online Payment Platform) gives his opinion about...
The end of 2019 is near. This is a perfect moment to look back on what the previous year has brought us as well as looking ahead...
The end of 2019 is near. This is a perfect moment to look back on what the previous year has brought us as well as looking ahead to what 2020 will bring. 2019 was the year of PSD2...
Every two months, CEO of Online Payment Platform and President of VBIN (Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland) Maurice Jongmans,...
Every two months, CEO of Online Payment Platform and President of VBIN (Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland) Maurice Jongmans, is writing an article for Emerce. As payment...
In the 12th edition of Delft.Business, you can read the story of Online Payment Platform. I have been interviewed about the role...
In the 12th edition of Delft.Business, you can read the story of Online Payment Platform. I have been interviewed about the role of Online Payment Platform in the sharing economy...
It's the middle of the night when I drive on the A13 past our billboard in the direction of Delft. Multiple cars are already in...
It's the middle of the night when I drive on the A13 past our billboard in the direction of Delft. Multiple cars are already in front of the door and the lights inside of our...
Automatische incasso can be a fantastic payment solution for the end user. But there are risks associated with the use of this...
Automatische incasso can be a fantastic payment solution for the end user. But there are risks associated with the use of this payment method, such as reversals and MOIs. During...
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