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A wallet on your platform: smart and innovative or expensive and inconvenient?

The popularity of wallets is high among founders of platforms. After all, it binds customers to the...

The popularity of wallets is high among founders of platforms. After...

The popularity of wallets is high among founders of platforms. After all, it binds customers to the...

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European legislation forces crowdfunding platforms to take immediate action and make fundamental choices

Crowdfunding platforms that focus on the business market will face an additional challenge this year: on November 10, a new...

Crowdfunding platforms that focus on the business market will face an additional challenge this year: on November 10, a new European regulation comes into effect that imposes...

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Money2020: a fast-growing industry with delayed innovation

This week I visited Money2020. This year the biggest event for the European fintech community wasn't the place to be inspired by...

This week I visited Money2020. This year the biggest event for the European fintech community wasn't the place to be inspired by new innovations and developments. It was mainly a...

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Can we expect an expiry date for POS systems soon?

Retailers know it better than anyone: everything revolves around the customer experience. This experience extends from...

Retailers know it better than anyone: everything revolves around the customer experience. This experience extends from orientation to purchase and payment. Every part of the...

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Recognizing and dealing with money laundering and terrorist financing

You'd rather not think about it, but platforms and marketplaces can also be misused for money laundering or terrorist financing....

You'd rather not think about it, but platforms and marketplaces can also be misused for money laundering or terrorist financing. In the Netherlands, the 'Money Laundering and...

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dealing with money laundering

Commercial agent exemption: an untenable exception of PSD2 rules for platforms

Complying with the 'commercial agent exemption' of the PSD2 regulation is almost impossible due to the many rules. In the article...

Complying with the 'commercial agent exemption' of the PSD2 regulation is almost impossible due to the many rules. In the article below, Maurice Jongmans explains this exemption....

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PSD2 commercial agent exemption

Mike Palm and Victor Menger added to the management board of Online Payment Platform

Online Payment Platform, a specialised payment service provider for platforms and marketplaces, appointed two new directors to...

Online Payment Platform, a specialised payment service provider for platforms and marketplaces, appointed two new directors to its team. Mike Palm (37) has now been promoted to...

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online payment platform new management directors

Why the promise of PSD2 has not been delivered yet

The results of the already in force European PSD2 legislation in the Netherlands is showing disappointing results regarding...

The results of the already in force European PSD2 legislation in the Netherlands is showing disappointing results regarding changes in the payment ecosystem. In this blog, our CEO...

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the unfulfilled promise of PSD2

International platform ambitions? Check the tax rules!

In this article, you will read the most important tips and tricks from VAT specialist Philip Boerman with regard to...

In this article, you will read the most important tips and tricks from VAT specialist Philip Boerman with regard to internationalisation. - Cope with European tax rules for...

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Internationalisation platform tax rules
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