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money when platform marketplace goes bankrupt

What happens with my money when a platform goes bankrupt?




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Was ist der Unterschied zwichen einen Web-Shop-PSP und einem Plattform-PSP

Die Niederlande sind laut der Vereinten Nationen weltweit Nummer 1 auf dem Gebiet von eCommerce. Wir kaufen täglich online auf...

Die Niederlande sind laut der Vereinten Nationen weltweit Nummer 1 auf dem Gebiet von eCommerce. Wir kaufen täglich online auf vielen verschiedenen Plattformen und in Web-Shops....

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Unterschied web-shop und Plattform PSP

Procedures & Measures COVID-19

We would like to inform you about our procedures and the measures we have taken - due to COVID-19 - in order to guarantee...

We would like to inform you about our procedures and the measures we have taken - due to COVID-19 - in order to guarantee business continuity as usual during these challenging...

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procedures & measures COVID-19

Mempay and Online Payment Platform join forces

The cloud-based subscription platform Mempay and Payment Service Provider (PSP) Online Payment Platform are going to collaborate....

The cloud-based subscription platform Mempay and Payment Service Provider (PSP) Online Payment Platform are going to collaborate. This allows both enterprises to expand services...

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Why is Online Payment Platform organizing Platform Day 2020?

Online Payment Platform has been the Payment Service Provider specializing in platforms and marketplaces since 2012. The platform...

Online Payment Platform has been the Payment Service Provider specializing in platforms and marketplaces since 2012. The platform economy is developing rapidly, and will continue...

Keep reading and Online Payment Platform on the way to becoming global provider for renting houses situated in the heart nature

The internationally renowned online platform '', has grown substantially over the past years. Currently, around...

The internationally renowned online platform '', has grown substantially over the past years. Currently, around 10.000 houses situated in the heart of nature across...

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Is one year of PSD2 in the Netherlands the calm before the storm?

Every two months, CEO of Online Payment Platform and president of the Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland (VBIN) Maurice...

Every two months, CEO of Online Payment Platform and president of the Verenigde Betaalinstellingen Nederland (VBIN) Maurice Jongmans, is writing an article for Emerce. As a...

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PSD2 die Niederlande

Signicat and Online Payment Platform partner to verify seller identities for online marketplace

Partnership combines secure online payments and identity verification to boost the growing sharing economy....

Partnership combines secure online payments and identity verification to boost the growing sharing economy....

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How does Maurice Jongmans reflect on the year of PSD2

The end of 2019 is near. This is a perfect moment to look back on what the previous year has brought us as well as looking ahead...

The end of 2019 is near. This is a perfect moment to look back on what the previous year has brought us as well as looking ahead to what 2020 will bring. 2019 was the year of PSD2...

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Maurice Jongmans PSD2
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