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Di, Mär 2 2020

Mempay and Online Payment Platform join forces

The cloud-based subscription platform Mempay and Payment Service Provider (PSP) Online Payment Platform are going to collaborate. This allows both enterprises to expand services as they respond to the growing trend of offering (online) products and services in subscription-form.
Subscription commerce, offering (online) products and services in subscription-form, is gaining more and more ground in the Netherlands. Niels de Peuter (Mempay): “In this fast-moving economy, consumers and enterprises want more  service and convenience. People want to get the best products delivered to their homes on a hand-selected moment as well as being able to use online services 24/7.”

Think of successful concepts such as Netflix, HelloFresh and Boldking. “Mempay makes subscription offers accessible for every web merchant” , explains De Peuter.


Mempay and Online Payment Platform both strongly believe in the power of collaboration. Richard Straver (Online Betaalplatform): “By collaborating, we are creating a better user-experience. Mempay is able to fully focus on a bold  and easy to use subscription platform. Online Payment Platform is therefore enabled to reduce the complexity of various sellers, automatically collect and divide funds towards a simple connection with our platform.”

As a PSP, Online Payment Platform offers various payment methods. The system behind Online Payment Platform is extremely suitable for subscription platform Mempay. The company developed a well organized module for accepting where a mandate for direct debit is issued. This module is integrable with diverse (international) payment methods, simplifying the ability to roll out subscription models abroad. Roman Berkhout (Mempay): “Consequently, the ability to roll out subscription models abroad becomes simplified. This is in line with a growing demand of our clients to internationally facilitate our services.”


Succesful entrepreneurship

Mempay and Online Payment Platform are both managed by young, innovative entrepreneurs. Both companies are able to reform a dusty market with their contradicting visions. De Peuter and Straver are no strangers from each other. Their roads have crossed for the first time in 2010, when both were nominated for the Sprout “25 onder 25”. Straver eventually won, but there was never a competitive battle . 

“Richard and I always stayed in touch. A collaboration has been in the air for a while. I am extremely pleased that this has now been realized.”, said De Peuter.

With Mempay, De Peuter was recently able to get nominated for the Meet Magento Innovation Award 2016. Straver recently won the entrepreneurial award Haaglanden 2016.


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