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mer., avr. 4 2020

Online Payment Platform supports Kika free market on Kingsday

We are currently in some strange times. Next week it will be Kingsday, normally everyone from all over the Netherlands would traditionally go outside to buy and sell on the many free markets, but this year we will all stay at home. But do not throw your old items away yet, because there is a good alternative.


Kika Freemarket on Marktplaats

This year, no rugs in front of your door or in the park, no live performances from the girl next door and no impossible games that will make your dirty or wet. Dedicated to everyone that will really miss these activities this year, there will be the virtual freemarket for Kika. Here you can still sell your old items, but also, for example personal music lessons, cooking clinics, performances or dinners. Starting on 22 April, the virtual rugs will go off and you could sell as many items as possible on the special Marktplaats page Afterewards, the revenue (or a part of it) could be donated to Stichting Kinderen Kankervrij (KiKa).

Maurice Jongmans, CEO of Online Payment Platform "We are happy to contribute and therefore we have decided to support KIKA by offering all online payments on this special free market for free". 



The Chantal and Beau Show

Also RTL4 is putting in some attention to this digital freemarket for Kika, and no less than the Dutch celebreties Chantal Janzen and Beau van Erven Dorens will present the live broadcasted Chantal and Beau show on Kingsday 27 April, starting from 20:30. The most fun and special items and performances of the KiKa Freemarket will be presented live on television. The kingsday broadcast at 20:30 on RTL4 offers a stage for items and talents of young and old. Performances will be selected by the editorial board of RTL and virtually invited to the show based on a picture with a description of the act on



Special collaboration

It is a bizarre time, COVID-19 influences all industries. Therefore, it is extra special that the loyal partners of KiKa like Marktplaats, Mediahuis, Exterion Media, Online Payment Platform, BlowUp Media and RTL4 now join their efforts and allow the KiKa Freemarket to take place.

Enabling the young and old to celebrate a bit of Kings Day and allowing important research towards treating and curing childhood cancer to proceed.


The team of Online Payment Platform wishes everyone an amazing alternative Kings Day!

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