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mar., nov. 1 2018

Maurice Jongmans (CEO) new chairman United Payment Institutions Netherlands

Maurice Jongmans has been nominated by the board as the new chairman of the United Payment Institutions Netherlands (VBIN). VBIN is the trade association for payment and electronic money institutions in the Netherlands. A payment institution is a non-banking party that can independently offer payment services to end users, such as the support and processing of debit card or iDEAL transactions.


Maurice Jongmans (1978) has been active as an independent entrepreneur in the world of internet applications since 2000. Since 2011 he has been active as a payment innovator and director of the company Online Payment Platform located in Delft. Among other things, Online Betaalplatform provides the 'Equal Crossing' service on Marktplaats.

VBIN represents the interests of its members in a national and European context during consultations with regulators, ministries and interested parties. In addition, VBIN acts as a network for its members and supports its members with up-to-date information and training on market and legislative developments.

Jongmans was already active at VBIN in the area of supervision costs. He will be working on further detailing VBIN's objectives and increasing VBIN's visibility. The members have already approved his nomination and he started his new job on the 1st of November.



With the introduction of the European legislation PSD2 , the financial and fine-tech industry is facing major changes and new payment services and payment service providers are emerging. A good trade association that represents the interests of existing and new service providers is of great importance in this respect.

In the coming period, VBIN will also be drawing attention to a good level-playing-field in the Dutch market. "We can also expect De Nederlandsche Bank to closely monitor the internal market operation surrounding the PSD2 introduction. We still see many challenges here," says Jongmans. "VBIN is also the industry association for the new payment service providers that will arise under PSD2, so I will be happy to talk to them in the upcoming period.


Continuity guaranteed

Hans den Adel (Worldline), former chairman of the VBIN, will remain on the board as general board member, so that VBIN can continue to benefit from his sharp insights, extensive contacts and in-depth knowledge of the payment sector. "With a heart for innovation and a feeling for rules and regulations, Jongmans is always personally involved in the developments in the financial and fintech market. He has a critical but open mind towards regulators and legislators" says Hans den Adel.



Besides the innovative fintech world, Maurice Jongmans has a passion for sailing and boats. He has contributed as a Nautical Coordinator to the Koningsvaart in 2013 and Sail Amsterdam in 2015. Maurice enjoys riding in a Tesla but regularly opts for other forms of electric transport such as the train, metro and shared scooter.

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