lun., juil. 1 2019

From Feeling to Image: The development of our new style

We are extremely proud of the innovative payment company that we have developed into together with our inspiring partners and customers. We would like to show this feeling of pride and pleasure to the outside world. And we want to stand out - show that we are different and why we are different.

We don't specialize in converting feelings into visual communication. Fortunately, after an intensive search, we found a great team that guided us through this adventure called: HenryHandsome.

kaartenspel-henryhandsome-opp_3Exploring our identity

Before being able to create communicative concepts, this 'feeling' mentioned above must be generated and captured.

HenryHandsome has developed a lovely game for this purpose, where the brand essence - on which the house style is based - comes to the surface in an interactive afternoon.

It was wonderful to experience a growing sense of feelings about who we want to be as a company and how we want toe be perceived. And all this by playing a game.

This workshop resulted in a beautiful document in which our values were translated through The Voice, The Heart and The Promise.




Smart beats big & Fast beats slow

In a global market of well-financed fintech giants we aim to be the David among the Goliath's. We have always consciously focused on one significant part of the market; the platforms and marketplaces where supply and demand are brought together. This is our focus and here lies our mission: Let Everyone, Pay Everyone.

By focusing on this niche, having a flexible organization and young(witty) people who love to tackle and innovatie, we can respond to our customers more quickly.

HenryHandsome designed the result of this interplay into feeling and purpose by using a fresh combination of beautiful human photographs, a colorful palette, projecting forms and idiosyncratic animated visuals.

We feel at home in this new style.


--- Thank you ---

Concept & Strategy

Visuals & Animation

Curly & Straight

Video & Production



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