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Do, Apr 4 2018

Pay each other on Kingsday with the iDEAL app

As of today you can also pay with an iDEAL QR code in the latest version of the iDEAL application of the Payments Association. The payment received will be credited to your bank account the next working day. This allows you to pay each other safely and easily without cash.

Thanks to the App, you don't have to exchange personal details with each other, such as your bank account or telephone number. You simply create a QR code for the correct amount and the payer scans it with his banking app (Rabobank and Nibble) or with his own iDEAL app. You will immediately see whether the payment has been successful.

The payments are processed by Online Betaalplatform, the payment service provider that also takes care of the Equal Crossing payments on Marktplaats, among other things. After registering your bank account once, you can use the app to create payment requests. For each successful transaction, a fee of € 0.30 will be charged.

Last year, Online Payment Platform launched a temporary 'free market app' to promote its services. Now you can use the iDEAL app directly to pay each other at free markets and fairs with no cash in your pocket.

Maurice Jongmans - Director Online Payment Platform:

"We want to make mutual payments easier and safer. We achieve this because users have to share less personal data, but also because users who, for example, have tried to defraud on Marktplaats on all connected platforms no longer accept it. In this way, we make online payments safer every day!"

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